Materials of the discussion and exchange meetings of the ERSISI project

ERSISI is an experimental initiative of the Government of Navarra that aims to boost access to the labor market for people at risk of social exclusion.

ERSISI is an experimental initiative of the Government of Navarra that aims to boost access to the labour market for people at risk of social exclusion.

Its innovative nature lies mainly in the use of the Social Services integration formula, with a new assistance / activation employment model for the unemployed and vulnerable population based on a coordinated intervention of the social and employment services. It also aims to develop a system for planning active employment policies in which both the public and private sectors participate, involving companies, trade unions and local NGOs.

In addition, ERSISI wants to identify and test out improvements in the regulation of the Law regulating the rights to social inclusion and the minimum income of Navarra, seeking a simpler, more efficient and more flexible management.

To achieve these goals, within the frame of the project there have been days of debates and an exchange of experiences through which we, as Fresno, have participated together with professionals of a political and technical level alongside other relevant actors for mutual learning in the field of integration of social services.

One of these meetings was the Seminar on European experiences of integrated provision of activation services for employment and social services, held on June 15th 2017, and a workshop that followed on June 16th focused on the extraction of conclusions and learnings for the ERSISI project.

The lessons learned are included in the meeting report.

Furthermore, on November 23rd there was an Exchange Workshop between Navarra and the department of Pyrénées-Atlantiques (France) on integrated provision of activation services for people receiving minimum income/income of active solidarity.

The main purpose of the meeting was to allow professionals from the technical level of the Regional Government and the local Administrations of Navarra (in the areas of social rights, social services and employment) to reflect and draw conclusions from the experience of the service providers that manage the RSA (Income of Active Solidarity) and the activation actions in the Department of the French Pyrenees.

Likewise, a summary of the conclusions and the development of the day is reflected in the attached report.


ERSISI is a project funded by the European Program EaSI – axis PROGRESS (European Program for employment and social innovation) within the framework of the call for innovation in social policy linked to the reform of social services launched in 2015.


