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The aim of this evaluation is to assess the current functioning of the EAPN, the relevance of its structures as well as its work, content, and the involvement of its members.
For the purpose of this evaluation, the following methods have been used: in-depth interviews with EAPN staff and other key stakeholders; a workshop with the EAPN Secretariat; based on the preliminary findings of the interviews and the workshop a questionnaire was designed and sent to EAPN members; an analysis of secondary sources; additionally, the evaluators participated in the EXCO meeting which included a one day discussion about the current situation of the EAPN and future working plan and structures. The evaluation has been conducted between April and September 2014.
The report summarises the key findings from the evaluation sources focusing on the six evaluation areas: (i) Mission and Goals, (ii) Membership engagement, (iii) Working with EU institutions and stakeholders, (iv) Working Structures and Methods, (v) Funding, (vi) Participation of people experiencing poverty.