Europe 2020 Shadow Report 2014: Where are we now and what way forward?”

Caritas Europa is regularly producing reports and analysis of societal interest for the European Institutions and the EU member states.

Documentos y descargas

This is the edition 2014 of the yearly Shadow Report on Europe 2020 that Caritas Europa has been issuing since 2011.

In this report, Caritas Europa looks at the state of poverty in the European Union, 5 years on since decision-makers committed on poverty reduction and employment growth.

The report is based on facts and figures from official statistical bodies, like Eurostat, and on witnesses, facts and figures from national Caritas organisations dealing with people in poverty on daily basis. 27 European Caritas organisations from the European Union have contributed to the report.

The publication of this Shadow Report is accompanied by 27 individual Country Reports which are available on the Caritas Europa publication website


