As it did in 2011 Caritas Europa presents its assessment of the National Reform Programmes and Europe 2020 Strategy implementation. This report aims to address several key aspects related to the social dimension of Europe 2020 Strategy from the perspective of 23 Caritas Europa Network organisations. It proposes the areas that should be reflected among the priorities of the 2013 Annual Growth Survey as well as the recommendations regarding the European Semester process and steering it better towards achieve the Europe 2020 employment growth, poverty reduction and ducational targets.
The report also focuses on assessing the impact of austerity measures on the situation in countries benefiting from the European stabilisation actions and presents the Caritas organisations’ assessment of the implementation of Active Inclusion principles. It also presents the feedback from Caritas organisations on the governance process and stakeholders’ involvement in the NRPs preparation as well as on using the Structural Funds for employment increase and poverty reduction.
Finally, in the specific country summaries, the report provides the detailed assessment of the situations in 23 Members States and specific recommendations for their labour, social and educational policie.