2017 Progress Report. National Strategy for the Social Inclusion of the Roma Population 2012-2020

Since the approval, in 2012, of the National Strategy for the Social Inclusion of the Roma Population, a progress report is made every year in order to monitor the measures that are implemented.

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The adoption of the European Framework and the approval of the National Strategy have proved to be very important for the inclusion of the Roma population in Spain:

  • On the one hand, they have, for the first time, established specific objectives in key areas in which the Roma population suffers from significant inequalities
  • On the other hand, they have favoured a framework and guidelines to improve the quality of the social inclusion policies of the Roma population in Spain

The Progress Report is prepared with data provided by the different management centres of the ministries of the General State Administration, the Spanish Regions and cities. It provides valuable and strategic information for the development of evidence-based policies and measures.

New this year, this report, to which we have provided technical assistance, directly relates the measures implemented to each of the objectives or lines of action of the Strategy.

You can see the summary of the report in our blog

