Technical Assistance for the Implementation and Monitoring of Foreseen Actions in Spain in the Field of a European Framework of National Strategies for the Social Inclusion of the Roma Population

A project carried out for Directorate General for Family Diversity and Social Services, the Spanish Ministry of Social Rights and Agenda 2030

The technical assistance in the implementation of activities associated with social inclusion of the Roma population in Spain is a project that consists mainly of providing advice and strategic support to the General State Administration in the cycle of inclusion policies for the Roma population in Spain. It offers support specifically in the design, monitoring, evaluation and coordination and governance of activities included in this framework at national and European level. 

Since 2012, the development of inclusion policies to improve the quality of life of the Roma population has evolved significantly in Spain. The approval of the National Strategy for the Social Inclusion of the Roma Population 2012-2020 was a considerable milestone. It promotes an inclusive approach in various areas, using the recommendations of the Communication on the European Union Framework for National Roma Inclusion Strategies until 2020.

Fresno has provided guidance to the General State Administration to improve planning, monitoring and evaluation actions, as well as to consolidate governance systems. We have also promoted the position of Spain as a benchmark country in this field at a European level. A commitment has been made to improve monitoring processes and tools, with greater transparency and participation of key actors. Furthermore, we have also supported the design and drafting of a new Strategy for Equality, Inclusion and Participation of the Roma People in Spain 2021-2030, based on the new European framework, evidence and lessons learned from Roma inclusion policies.

Therefore, the technical assistance was drafted with four main objectives:  

  1. Transparencies and evidence: to develop a consolidated system of consistent reporting, monitoring and evaluation based on continuous improvement and co-production with key actors. 
  2. Effective public policies: to design inclusive and more effective public policies that promote the Roma population’s social inclusion, designed, and planned on the basis of evidence and with the participation of key actors.  
  3. Multi-actor participation: Greater commitment, knowledge, and involvement of key actors in public policies for social inclusion and access to rights and from an approach of empowerment and leadership of the Roma population. 
  4. European position: Encourage the participation and influence of the Spanish Government in European social inclusion policies and European benchmark in best practices of social inclusion and access to rights for the Roma population. 

02. What was our role?

Development and consolidation of an informative and monitoring system for the National Strategy on Social Inclusion for the Roma population in Spain 2012-2020 


Design and elaboration of annual monitoring reports in 2019 and 2020 for the Operational Plan 2018-2020.  


Drafting of the annual report for the European Commission. 


Structure of an innovative system oriented to facilitate the reporting of measures implemented by key actors through a web application.  


Consulting and implication of the key actors 

Evaluation of the National Strategy on Social Inclusion for the Roma population in Spain 2012-2020 


Design and elaboration of the final evaluation of the Strategy and Operational Plan 2018-2020 using mixed and participatory methodologies.  


Verification and implication of key actors through seminars, focus groups, opinion surveys and evaluation.  


Analysis of results and approach of recommendations for the new Strategy.  

Strategic and operational planning of the National Strategy on Social Inclusion for the Roma population in Spain 2021-2030: 


Support in the design and elaboration of the new Strategy and the first Operational Plan from a participatory approach. 


Implication and consulting of the key actors during the entire process. 


Facilitation of participatory spaces.

Consolidation and development of participatory and learning spaces about social inclusion policies and access to the rights of the Roma population


Planning, organisation, facilitation and conduction of two multi-stakeholder thematic conferences to address and debate the challenges associated with the inclusion and access to rights of the Roma population in Spain. 

  • Adaptation of conferences with the evaluation process of the 2012-2020 Strategy and design the new 2021-2030 Strategy.
  • Preparation of summaries and reports with the key learnings and ideas from the workshops for their subsequent dissemination.


Preparation and coordination of meetings with the Technical Cooperation Group on the Roma Population with the Spanish Regions, in relation to monitoring, coordination, exchange of experiences and improvement of data collection on Roma inclusion policies in Spain.  


Preparation and coordination of the meetings of the Interfund Committee to promote a greater impact of the European Structural Investment Funds on the social inclusion of the Roma population. 

Support in the participation and promotion of Spain in the field of social inclusion policies for the Roma population in the European framework.  


Monitoring of the European and international agenda in relation to the social inclusion of the Roma population. 


Strengthening the position, visibility, and influence of Spain in the European Union as a benchmark country in terms of the Roma population’s social inclusion. 


Advocacy in the definition of the new European framework for equality, inclusion, and participation of the Roma population (2021-2030). Implication in the management cycle of the European Funds and in the planning of these funds for the period 2021-2027. Incidence in the Network of National Contact Points, the EURoma Network, the Fundamental Rights Agenda and in the summits or conferences associated with the inclusion of the Roma population, among other relevant spaces. 

03. Challenges

  • Consolidate cooperation and collaboration of public administrations (at their different competence levels) in the implementation of the Strategy 2012-2020. Also consolidate the design of the future Strategy for 2030. 
  • Involve other sectors in the implementation and design of inclusion policies for the Roma population (housing, health, employment, education, equality, etc). 
  • Contribution to the creation of evidence in a context that lacks updated and representative information about the social reality of the Roma population.
  • Design an ambitious but realistic Strategy that covers the main needs of the Roma population in Spain, integrating a combination of specific policies for this community with policies for the rest of the population.
  • Highlight and promote Spain to the European institutions for its best practices and for the evolution of social inclusion policies relating to the Roma population. 
  • Guarantee the participation of the Roma population as well as of other key actors in the cycle of Roma population inclusion policies during the pandemic.  

The design of efficient public policies requires a global vision capable of attending the needs of vulnerable groups based on evidence. It should transversally integrate the competences of different actors and sectors involved in a consensual and collaborative manner.

However, the success of these policies, and specially of inclusion policies for the Roma population, also depends on leadership, commitment, and participation of all the actors in the implementation. This is why it is essential to promote the construction and strengthening of comprehensive governance systems that facilitate the flow and coherence of policies throughout their lifecycle.”.  

04. Solutions

Design and elaboration of a Strategy created in the new European framework for the equality, inclusion, and participation of the Roma population in 2030. It is based on learnings and evidence obtained from knowledge exchange processes, monitoring and evaluation.  

Design of a monitoring and information system for the development of progress reports and reporting to the European Commission, designed to progressively involve all actors in the implementation and reporting activities of the Strategy.  

Innovation in monitoring processes and tools: development of a web application to report and upload information 

Involvement of different actors and sectors through different meeting and coordination formats: bilateral meetings with other ministries, working groups and technical cooperation, multi-stakeholder seminars, etc., supporting the orientation and contents of each meeting.  

Linking learning and knowledge exchange activities to monitoring, evaluation and planning processes, facilitating coordination between key actors. 

Follow-up and monitoring of European and international activities on Roma social inclusion: European Commission, European Agency for Fundamental Rights, EURoma Network, etc.  

Development of the final evaluation report of the 2012-2020 Strategy, based on mixed methodologies (quantitative and qualitative).  

Adaptation of the governance and participation spaces in a COVID-19 context. 

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