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We offer innovation for social progress and transformation
Design and planning of public policies
Solutions for training, eLearning, and knowledge management
Technical secretariats, partnership, and sustainability
Universal child welfare schemes mark the agenda – globally, in...
The Agenda 2030 and their Sustainable Development Goals include setting-up systems of minimum income guarantees to abolish child poverty. Amongst…21 | February | 2019Universal child welfare schemes mark the agenda – globally, in Europe and in Spain
The Agenda 2030 and their Sustainable Development Goals include setting-up systems of minimum income guarantees to abolish child poverty. Amongst the most prominent goals of the 17 is the first on poverty. It entails the much discussed target 1.3 which reads: Implement nationally appropriate social protection systems and measures for all, including floors, and by -
Would a European “Child Guarantee” help to fight against child...
Social inclusion, well-being and the protection of children’s rights are issues that have been progressively gaining weight in European Union…6 | November | 2018Would a European “Child Guarantee” help to fight against child poverty?
Social inclusion, well-being and the protection of children’s rights are issues that have been progressively gaining weight in European Union policy. One of the most significant milestones took place in 2013, with the adoption of the recommendation “Investing in childhood: breaking the cycle of disadvantages” and its subsequent approval by the Council of Ministers. This initiative provided -
Public experts debate the space for Roma inclusion in the...
The Helsinki meeting of EuRoma comes at a strategic moment of reconsidering the EU Roma Integration Framework and the conception…22 | June | 2018Public experts debate the space for Roma inclusion in the new European Funding Framework
The Helsinki meeting of EuRoma comes at a strategic moment of reconsidering the EU Roma Integration Framework and the conception of the new financial instruments for 2021-27 José-Manuel Fresno will attend the biannual meeting of the EU Roma network in Helsinki, a working group of public bodies that brings together both managing authorities of European -
Brussels takes stock and debates the future of the inclusion...
Since 2017, the European Commission is carrying out an intermediate evaluation of the implementation and achievements of the EU Framework…14 | March | 2018Brussels takes stock and debates the future of the inclusion policies of the Roma population
Since 2017, the European Commission is carrying out an intermediate evaluation of the implementation and achievements of the EU Framework for National Roma Integration Strategies, which was launched in 2011 and will run until 2020. Although the European Union has made a wide range of services and instruments available to the countries in support of their -
#SocialSummit17, an opportunity to build more inclusive societies?
In recent decades, the European labour market has experienced profound transformations as a result of factors such as the digital…15 | November | 2017#SocialSummit17, an opportunity to build more inclusive societies?
In recent decades, the European labour market has experienced profound transformations as a result of factors such as the digital revolution, globalization and changes in the demographic patterns. This change also happened because of the effects of the economic crisis, which has left a deep mark on long-term unemployment, debt levels and, in general, an -
Recent International Publications
ROMA INCLUSION Advocacy Brief on Roma Inclusion Policies This 2014 publication was commissioned by the Europe Regional Office of the Office…23 | November | 2015Recent International Publications
ROMA INCLUSION Advocacy Brief on Roma Inclusion Policies This 2014 publication was commissioned by the Europe Regional Office of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights and serves as a useful advocacy tool for reorienting the current approach of Roma inclusion policies of many international, national and local institutions. Its aim is -
José Manuel Fresno panelist at the UN Human Rights Council...
This discussion, on the morning of 25 March 2015, aimed to exchange views on how state obligations under international human…25 | March | 2015José Manuel Fresno panelist at the UN Human Rights Council 28th session discussion on technical cooperation in the promotion and protection of human rights
This discussion, on the morning of 25 March 2015, aimed to exchange views on how state obligations under international human right law can be taken into account in devising national development policies and strategies for poverty reduction. Chaired by the President of the Human Rights Council and moderated by H.E. Mr. Thani Thongphakdi, Ambassador and -
Fresno, the right link provides expertise in evaluating the Europe...
The publication “Europe 2020: Where are we now and what way forward?” comes at a critical time: five years after…17 | December | 2014Fresno, the right link provides expertise in evaluating the Europe 2020 Strategy
The publication “Europe 2020: Where are we now and what way forward?” comes at a critical time: five years after the EU set itself the ambitious target of lifting at least 20 million people out of poverty and social exclusion by 2020, Caritas Europa takes stock of a strategy that aims to be smart, sustainable
This is how we do it
Planning and management of European funds
We provide guidance in the design and planning of European funds in the social field. These include, on the one hand, the European Structural and Investment Funds, such as the European Social Fund (ESF) and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and, on the other hand, the Next Generation Funds. One example is the Recovery and Resilience Facility and its components 22 and 23, for which we offer special advice. We work on topics related to programming and planning. This comprises services like diagnosis of needs, definition of objectives, measures, operations, indicators, performance framework, design of programmes and projects, etc. Furthermore, we design control mechanisms, management, and verification. We have a wide experience in the design and management of Community programmes (European calls) such as the EaSI programme.
This is how we do it
Design and planning of public policies
We offer technical assistance in the design and planning of public policies using strategic plans and policy strategies. We collect evidence to generate situational diagnoses, to identify the social problems or challenges and to recommend solutions. We also cover reform processes of social policies and of social services to combat current social challenges. To this end, we conduct studies and diagnoses, and we design participative methodologies as well as digital tools to analyse multiple data sources.
This is how we do it
Strategic consulting, innovation, and experimentation
We deliver strategic consulting to public institutions and social organisations to design, manage and evaluate experimental projects. The objective is to test or escalate innovative solutions to combat social problems or challenges. We conduct social entities in their transformation processes offering support and advice in the elaboration of strategic plans.