Solutions to provide better services to people

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We offer innovation for social progress and transformation

    Design and planning of public policies

    We offer technical assistance in the design and planning of public policies using strategic plans and policy strategies. We collect evidence to generate situational diagnoses, to identify the social problems or challenges and to recommend solutions. We also cover reform processes of social policies and of social services to combat current social challenges. To this end, we conduct studies and diagnoses, and we design participative methodologies as well as digital tools to analyse multiple data sources.

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    Solutions for training, eLearning, and knowledge management

    We provide consulting and technical assistance to the design and development of strategies related to training and knowledge management of social professionals. For this purpose, we use eLearning and bLearning methodologies that will enable the development of new competences (upskilling) in the work teams. Additionally, we support the momentum and development of learning communities.

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    Technical secretariats, partnership, and sustainability

    We offer consulting, technical assistance and technical secretariat services for the development of innovative initiatives that require the participation of multiple actors. We have vast experience fostering multi-actor spaces of collaboration through debates, reflection, and training. They require the creation of new ideas and knowledge from an extensive context variety. We also provide strategic consulting for the articulation of partnerships and for the development of sustainable strategies. For that, processes of strategic reflection, training and knowledge management on sustainability and public-private partnership formulas are needed.

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We provide guidance in the design and planning of European funds in the social field. These include, on the one hand, the European Structural and Investment Funds, such as the European Social Fund (ESF) and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and, on the other hand, the Next Generation Funds. One example is the Recovery and Resilience Facility and its components 22 and 23, for which we offer special advice. We work on topics related to programming and planning. This comprises services like diagnosis of needs, definition of objectives, measures, operations, indicators, performance framework, design of programmes and projects, etc. Furthermore, we design control mechanisms, management, and verification. We have a wide experience in the design and management of Community programmes (European calls) such as the EaSI programme.

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We offer technical assistance in the design and planning of public policies using strategic plans and policy strategies. We collect evidence to generate situational diagnoses, to identify the social problems or challenges and to recommend solutions. We also cover reform processes of social policies and of social services to combat current social challenges. To this end, we conduct studies and diagnoses, and we design participative methodologies as well as digital tools to analyse multiple data sources.

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We deliver strategic consulting to public institutions and social organisations to design, manage and evaluate experimental projects. The objective is to test or escalate innovative solutions to combat social problems or challenges. We conduct social entities in their transformation processes offering support and advice in the elaboration of strategic plans.

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