My name is Lydia González Villa and I am Consultant in the Strategic Consulting Department. I hold a Double Bachelor’s degree in International Relations with Translation and Interpreting by the Universidad Pontificia de Comillas, where I specialised in foreign policy and international security. I also hold a Master’s degree in International Cooperation and Management of Public Policies and Development Projects from the Universidad Menéndez Pelayo and the Fundación Ortega Marañón.
Since 2017, I have worked for public and private sector entities as well as for the third sector. Some examples are the Instituto de la Juventud or INJUVE (the Spanish Youth Institute), the Embassy of Spain in Latvia and the Spanish Justice and Peace Commission.
Before Fresno, I worked in the technical assistance of international development cooperation projects in Central America for the design of quality public policies. I also worked in the phytosanitary and customs fields.
I joined Fresno in 2022, where I provide technical secretariat guidance in advocacy projects, and I monitor European programming and fundraising to third sector organisations.