José Manuel Fresno, appointed as member of the Scientific Committee of the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights

Last May, the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) appointed its new Scientific Committee
This new Committee is composed of 11 persons: lawyers, social science and statistics experts who cover the different activities of the Agency for Fundamental Rights.
All of the members of national or international prestige are widely recognised for being human right defenders. Many of them belong to EU expert networks or different institutions such as the European Court of Human Rights, national constitutional courts, national institutes for human rights, Council of Europe bodies, the Human Rights Commission or UN special bodies.
Their professional background, disciplines, areas of specialisation, as well as their nationality (Belgium, Bulgaria, Finland, France, Ireland, Latvia, Netherlands, Poland, Spain) provide for the balanced composition of the Committee.
The members of the Committee are appointed for a period of 5 years, not renewable. The Scientific Committee will appoint the President and Vice-President for a period of one year.