Fresno, the right link provides expertise in evaluating the Europe 2020 Strategy

Portada de la publicación «Europa 2020: ¿dónde estamos ahora y qué camino seguir».

The publication “Europe 2020: Where are we now and what way forward?”  comes at a critical time: five years after the EU set itself the ambitious target of lifting at least 20 million people out of poverty and social exclusion by 2020, Caritas Europa takes stock of a strategy that aims to be smart, sustainable and inclusive.

However, a simple look at the official data paint a sobering picture : Between 2009 (when the Strategy was drafted) and the end of 2012, the number of people experiencing material deprivation, living in jobless households or at risk of poverty increased by 10 million and reached 124 million people. In this report, Caritas Europa Member Organisations report on the reality faced by many of their beneficiaries in 27 Member States.

Furthermore, the report proposes concrete recommendations for the Annual Growth Survey 2015 and the Europe 2020 Mid-Term Review. Shortly, the Country Reports  accompanying the Shadow Report will be published. They include on-the-ground analysis of the situation in 27 Member States and propose Country Specific Recommendations.

The Fresno team, José Manuel Fresno, Cornelia Rauchberger and Alia Chahin have been providing expertise and technical assistance to the production of the annual Caritas Europa Shadow Report since 2012.

Link to the Shadow Report 2014.
Link to the Shadow Report 2013.
Link to the Shadow Report 2012

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